Mark Caldwell / Dawson

1966 - 2022 | Tilbury

Mark or Dawson as most called him, was a great man who I had the privilege of calling dad. He died of small cell cancer, in which St Lukes (Basildon) were amazing with his and us as a family.

Donation in memory of

Mark Caldwell / Dawson


Current total raised


GiftAid £19.55


Shell Earey


Love you Mark and Vicki xx


+ £5.40 GiftAid

Susan Carter


A lovely guy who is missed very much by so many. xx


+ £6.25 GiftAid

Debbie Barker


Your never far from my thoughts Mark, I talk to you daily. I Root for Tottenham when they play. I can't put into words how much I miss you. We all do you have left such a massive hole in all our lives. Say hello to them all for me. I see you on the other side, Love Your little sister Gabbo x


+ £5.40 GiftAid

Lynsey Hurrell


A very worthy causes xx


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